Snoring may be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a serious disorder in which the snorer stops breathing several times an hour during sleep. Snoring may be loud or relatively quiet. If snoring is quiet or minimal, apneas may not be as apparent. Very often a person suffering from apnea may not be aware of the loud snoring and breathing irregularities. The bed partner is usually the first to recognize the symptoms. Sleep apnea can generally be treated effectively once diagnosed and categorized as to the type and severity. Treatment is patient-specific, and may include weight loss, prescriptions for equipment to help breathing during sleep, medications, dental devices, simple (Somnoplasty®) or more invasive surgery, usually a last resort.

Common Symptoms

  1. (EDS) Excessive daytime sleepiness
  2. Fatigue
  3. Loss of concentration, forgetfulness
  4. Irritability or over-reaction to stressful situations
  5. Depression
  6. Morning or middle of night headaches
  7. Restless sleep, frequent awakening during night
  8. Involuntary nighttime leg movements
  9. Frequent nocturnal urination
  10. Non-breathing sessions witnessed by bed partner or other
  11. Falling asleep quickly at inappropriate times
  12. Daydreaming or desire to nap
  13. Chronic pain
  14. Bruxism

If you have a combination of the above complaints, evaluation by a sleep center is recommended. Once a sleep study is performed, various treatment options can be offered to you by your physician or by the sleep center, such as medication, CPAP, and oral devices. CPAP is an air pressure machine, with a vaporizer, which keeps the airways opened during sleep.To see some of the many sleep device
alternatives we offer, click here.

Like all treatments, there are pros and cons, and different success rates for each type of procedure. You should make your treatment choice based upon knowledge of all available options.

Snoring/Sleep Apnea Treatments | Snoring/Sleep Apnea Insertion Instructions